100% Fullblood Boer Buck #1096
DOB 4/24/2021
Sire: JSR Eclipical Son
(ABGA 10826539)
Dam: BIJO BS Twinkle Hokulani
(ABGA 10773296)
Genetics Include:
-RRG1 Rebel Ridge Yukon Jack
-RLP Bull City Buckwheat **EN**
-RLP Bull City Cherokee **EN**
-JSR Buckin’ Screamin’ Dapples
-MAX Boer Goats Red Hot Dappled $ **EN**
-Kaptein *EN*
-Eggs Ryals Magnum **EN**
#1096 Fullblood buck is black with white/cream colored dapples.
His teats are 1X1 with 1X1 non-functional teats. (clean teats)
#1096′s Sire is black with white dapples.
#1096′s Dam is brown, black, white tiger dappled with a white belt.
#1096′s twin sister is black with red/tan dapples.
#1096 Fullblood Boer buck has generations of dappled genetics.
SOLD TO: Yasmin Mahmood
Bridgeton, NJ
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